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Marketing Network

The wishes and needs of customers are our driving force.XDV provides customers with customized and one-stop overall service solutions for technology,product and process experiments. XDV marketing service network covers UAS,UK,Canada,Brazil and so on,more than 30 countries and regions around the world.

After-sale Service

We create value for our customers and achieve profitable growth

Comprehensive technical training services to ensure efficient operation

XDV is equipped with highly professional service personnel to actively track the service. Provide customers with necessary technical training services, guide installation, and carefully explain the key points and precautions of operation.So as to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of products and minimize the faults caused by improper use of customers.

More powerful technical consultation to optimize the design for customer.

XDV has set up a technical service department, equipped with professional technical service personnel with rich theoretical and practical experience, to provide customers with efficient and high-quality service personnel and efficient and high-quality services.

Over 2000 matching selection, each has its own strengths

XDV provides customers with specified service items according to the provisions of the contract or requirements.So as to meet customers’ needs for products and improve satisfaction with cost performance with the diversity of products and functions.

Regular return inspection, operation under control

XDV establishes user files for each customer and stipulates that each service can be completed only after customer confirmation.Regularly hold quality analysis meetings according to user feedback to continuously improve product quality and service quality.